Any regular reader(s) of this blog should be well familiar with this wonderful Californian group by now. They would also know just how much I personally love the band. I've told the story a few times already, but here it is again. I stumbled upon the band's debut 'Embrace' completely by chance, after learning of the bands working relationship with one of my other current favourites, Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound. In a desperate move to hold off and momentarily distract myself from my heightened anticipation & waiting of 2009's 'When Sweet Sleep Returned', I decided to pick up SS' 'Embrace'. Immediately, and i mean fucking INSTANTLY (as the wild drumming of 'New Age' kicked in) i was hooked. I must of played that record an even 50 times or more in the space of 2 or 3 months. It was an insane obsession that didn't let up, obviously.
I've been tracking the group for any news on the follow-up album over the last few months, and finally It's all starting to surface. Check out some of the descriptions and reviews I've found, hopefully they excite you as much as they do me. And finally, below are a few videos of the new tracks performed live by the band over the last year or so. I've listened to the youtube clips of 'Wild Machines' so many times the song hardly feels new to me. 'Marina' ain't bad either, that video of them playing it @ Primavera was incredible. The tribal breakdown at the end, and then when the jam kicks back in.. as well as Rachel's dancing haha, everything I love about the band right there. If pressed, I'd say those two are my favourite tunes from the band to date. I can't wait to hear how they sound from the studio-side, just another reason to be excited for record No. 2, 'Fever' - due out out 17th May (UK) & 6th June (US).
It's actually my birthday on the 4th of June, so i could very well have a nicely timed & tasty gift coming my way. This is going to be special folks!
The Band:
Band Site
Other Links of Interest:
Stereogum - Track-list, Details + Mini Review & Tour Dates
ATP Recordings - Updated Sleepy Sun Bio
Uncut.co.uk - Very promising review!
Yeah, Marina is probably my favourite Sleepy Sun song from both albums (even though I havn't found a leak of Fever yet I've heard the all, or a majority, of the new songs live). Hope it sounds as good on the album as live...Cheers for linking to my video by the way! Take care!
(Here's my rip of the Sleepy Son 10" (promo) if you havn't got that one: http://www.divshare.com/download/8467236-0a5 )
have any chance of reup the link
thanks from Portugal
Sorry, Not uploading this album (at this time at least.)
Will also say that i have now heard "Fever" a few times and it's incredible! Early favourite is Desert God. Magical album so far.
Thanks for sharing this helpful post about the topic "I Have Sleepy Sun Fever!" in the Sometime-World blog.
Great article it very informative have a nice day. Some great stuff im coming across here. Thanks for sharing here.
I just discovered your blog and just wanted to tell you good job. Hope to see more great music soon.
After months of listening to this in MP3 format, I finally purchased this amazing CD.
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Hey! So...this is the End?
Hi, awesome blog! keep up the good work. love sleepy sun, just got my Fever LP yesterday.
hello? is Anybody here?
i took some time to re-do the psychedelic compilaton on deezer
take a look
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