Friday, January 2, 2009

Ardo Dombec - Ardo Dombec [1971]

Anyone who picked up the "Heavy Christmas" compilation last week might recognise this fantastic Bluesy/Jazz Prog German group. Unfortunetly enough not much is known about them. Their arrangements are upbeat and bright, yet the lyrics are rather dark and cynical in contrast. They differ from other folk-blues-fusion-hard rock bands of the same era by the presence of the saxophone arrangements which remain pretty structured, sometimes sounding like Out of Focus or even the Dutch fusion band Solution.

The drums and bass are often very fast, rhythmic and complex, flirting with fusion elements. Many flute parts a la Jethro Tull add some interesting variety; the track with the very pleasant visceral harmonica exhibition also shows how versatile the members can be. The music is quite addictive, disciplined and structured.

A welcomed German oddity!



lessMTVmoreTMV said...

Hey man, grabbed this off you awhile ago -- pretty enjoyable album. gracias

Alex B said...

Great album, a mix of several styles and genres, on the best vein of kraut/german prog. Very pleasant and varied.